Stroke Information, help and recovery.

Registered Charity Number 1166424


Tel: 0330 055 2197

Official Partner:
Official Partner:


These are just a selection of the testimonials we have received as StrokeInformation continues to make a difference.

July 2017 – Healthwatch Stockport Endorsement for StrokeInformation:
Healthwatch Stockport first came into contact with StrokeInformation in 2015 through Nick Clarke. Nick works tirelessly and passionately with, for and on behalf of people who have survived a stroke, their family and friends to help enable them readjust back to their lives following stroke. Healthwatch Stockport believes StrokeInformation is meeting a currently unmet need. Stockport is the main site across Greater Manchester in which people who have had a stroke are taken to. Stockport should be outstanding in all aspects of stroke care and prevention. At the moment StrokeInformation is uniquely and best placed to provide practical assistance, information and signposting and befriending to stoke patients and their families. They are also in a position to help raise awareness in the community about the risk factors and the effect a stroke can have on a families. StrokeInformation go above and beyond because it is provided by people who care, who have been through the services and have come out the other side.

Healthwatch Stockport – CEO Maria Kildunne.  Maria, added that they are is planning to undertake some preventative work and information provision in partnership in 2017-18.

To whom  it may concern,   It is with pleasure that I write this letter of reference for support for Nick Clarke  of StrokeInformation,  Nick an ex footballer, who suffered a severe stroke.   I admire his courage and determination in working together to help others affected with this condition.  Having personally experienced the effects of a stroke, he knows first-hand how difficult it is for the individual but also the emotional impact on family members.      I commend the work that Nick is doing, he offers great support  to people affected by Strokes and I wish this special charity much success for the future.     Planning & Projects Director, Barclays Premier League.

To whom it may concern,  I am a medical secretary who works at Stepping Hill Hospital for 2 consultant physicians both of whom specialise in Stroke.    Over the years I have watched how Stroke has become more of an issue in the community and how more and more younger people are having Strokes and I have also seen a lot of good work that has been done by the consultants in saving peoples lives.   I heard about StrokeInformation through one of the consultants, the work extremely hard on trying to help people get back to some form of normality in their lives from what was an extremely difficult time they had experienced.   I think that StrokeInformation should definitely be recognised and be given grants to help them improve more peoples lives.  I would like to think that should either myself or my family ever have to go through something like this that I had someone to turn to for help and advice.

Senior Medical Secretary – Stepping Hill Hospital

StrokeInformation in Stockport is an essential part  of excellent Stroke service.  As a hyper acute Stroke Centre, we rely on many stakeholders to ensure  our care and  patient experience of high quality,  your input to that is invaluable.

I wish you all the best and hope to catch up with you soon.

Mrs ADL Barnes – Chief Executive – Stockport NHS Foundation Trust.

To whom it may concern,  my wife and I recently witnesses first hand the amount of passion and desire to offer support to those affected by Stroke.   Unfortunately our Grandfather passed away, however it should not go unnoticed that StrokeInformation is bespoke, unique and truly empowering to anyone affected by Stroke.   We found Nick to have a real understanding on the deviation a Stroke causes to families affected.    Effectively sharing knowledge and understanding that would only really come from people who have been through it themselves.

We really do wish StrokeInformation all the best of luck in the world and they certainly get our backing and support in the future.

Mr & Mrs T Lyons – Cheshire

To Nick, just a quick note to thank you for your recent visit to me and Graham.   I felt we have been thrown a lifeline, it is good to feel that there is someone out there.   In my recent experience there isn’t a lot of help for people in our position.   StrokeInformation has to succeed because we need you.

Mrs S Simmons – Manchester 

Dear Sir or Madam,

As a stroke survivor myself, I first came to know Nick on E1 at SHH where I was a patient myself and I must admit that I got great encouragement form them whilst I was in hospital, not only have they helped my recovery they have taken part in the groups with real understanding because they have been there themselves.  I fully appreciate that it takes courage, hard work, encouragement and determination and from practically learning how to walk again, I have found that StrokeInformation are fantastic role models and an inspiration for my own recovery.

Mr S Bowker – Derbyshire


StrokeInformation is growing and now employ a few people who have had a stroke to as their real life experience is invaluable and we will continue to grow, our WhatsApp group has now over 80 members in there from all over the UK, Malta and Milan.   so if you know anyone impacted by Stroke  please reach out to them and tell them about StrokeInformation #WeCareBecauseWeveBeenThere

UK online and telephone support.
UK online and telephone support.

Stroke Information supplies online and telephone support to anyone around the UK looking for advice and motivation from people with experience.

We encourage stroke survivors and their families to contact usand share your stories and experiences.

We also have supporters nationwide who we can call on if necessary.


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how to donate.

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