2019 – October
Yes Steve Penk lends his support to us!
Hello and welcome to the tenth month of this fast paced year, yes who could believe we are now in Autumn, oh well as a good friend says and it is quite apt when recovering from a stroke, in fact its a great statement and that is “Don’t count every day…….Make every day count…….as the month of September drew to a close, we were informed of a friend who had taken ill but didn’t think too much of it only to be informed in the early hours that they had a bleed on the brain and the swelling around the effected areas meant that an operation had to commence. I am not going to mention any names but I would like to say that we are all thinking of you and your family at this moment in time and if we can help in any way shape or form then just please let us know.
More to follow……..