2024 March
How would you like to be in with a chance to win £10,000??
The Spring Superdraw will take place on Friday 29th March 2024!! 💷
The sooner you sign up the more chances you have to win!! 🤞
For every £2 we receive £1.20 this helps us provide support for anyone impacted by a stroke.
Sign up here for your chance to win ➡️ https://giantcashbonanza.online/strokeinformation/
March 2024, Spring is officially here, days will be getting longer and lighter, new lambs, daffodils are emerging, in one sense its very much a question of new beginnings and whilst on that subject and relating it to stroke, I would very much like to give a huge shout out to DH, almost 2 years ago, you had your stroke and none of us knew what the future may hold for you but you my friend are one hell of an individual, not only have you proved the so called professionals wrong, when they indicated that you probably won’t walk again you’ve defied those odds and have stuck up those two fingers in their faces and said “let me show you” and you did and continue to do so. Most people dont get what we do, they dont understand that is unless they have been though a similar journey themselves. What StrokeInformation has done to so many people impacted by Stroke since its inception is truly incredible but the success isn’t down to one person, me, its is success is without doubt because we are all there for each other. So if you are reading this and have been impacted by Stroke, give yourself a massive pat on the back, you chose not to give up.
We also introduced another part time employee, Rhian who does a fantastic Stacy impression from the hit comedy show “Gavin and Stacy”, Rhian had her stroke whilst she was 6 months pregnant, this mum of two is a brilliant addition to the team as we plan to continue educating so many about the many many misconceptions of Stroke. Welcome to the growing team Rhian 👏🏻
**These case studies are real life situations where StrokeInformation registered charity 1166424 have helped people impacted by Stroke in Stockport and beyond.
In every case the real identities for each person have been changed to protect their identity, however the scenario has not been altered in any way shape or form.
George came to see us at our drop in clinic at Disability Stockport, 2 Weeks post Stroke and 1 week after his Wife, Mavis came to us in absolute distress and despair and she had no idea of who to turn to talk about George’s recovery, initially Mavis was having to drive up to a hospital our of our community and came to us because she had heard about the services we offer in that we give true peer support, both George and Mavis are 66 years of age and were hoping to go ahead with their mini break to Denmark in May 2016. We gave them dedicated support and encouragement with regards who to talk to from a medical perspective and then once the consultant had given George the all clear to travel (Fly) we set about putting the couple in touch with our travel insurance partner who specialise in travel insurance for stroke survivors and their families. George had speech issues and although he can get his words out, we encouraged them that it will get better over time and we arranged for some business cards to be made to advise people that he has had a stroke and to bear with him. With this kind of unique service, we know that we have and will continue to help others like George & Mavis.
Deborah a lady in her sixties has always had her stroke disputed despite consultant’s confirmation notes and therefore she has never been entitled to any financial help via benefits. We managed to complete paperwork on her behalf and with a letter of authority we managed to get the relevant hospital consultants to confirm everything to launch an appeal and not only were the details accepted by the relevant authorities, we managed to convince the parties to back date any awards to the date when the stroke happened.
Cath used to visit the gym and this is where StrokeInformation hold a weekly drop-in centre and she advised that her good friend Chris has had recently had a stroke and wasn’t coping at all, he had basically gone backwards and didn’t want to mix with anyone, even his beloved Manchester City took a back seat. We contacted Manchester City and explained about Chris and what had happened, and that Chris felt a burden to his fellow supporters as they had to drop him at the stadium then it would take a while to meet up, not only did we arrange for a season long car park space within the stadium complex we also arranged a pick up and deliver solution for him and his party to attend the matches.
Johnnie was in his thirties when he had his stroke, he had just lost his long term, partner Lucy who had recently passed away after a complex operation. Leaving Johnnie, a single parent to his 3 young children, as if matters couldn’t be expected to take a turn for the worse, Johnnie mother passed away whilst he was in the stroke ward. Johnnie came to StrokeInformations drop in, we discovered that he wanted to stay active so we arranged for him to attend a local gym, we organised a special day for him and the children to Manchester United, Old Trafford, where he was treated to a fabulous tour of the stadium, lunch with the children and some special VIP’s and during the dinner Johnnie admitted that he wanted to make something of his new life by learning to drive and also start applying for employment. StrokeInformation applied for a motability grant for him and managed to get him forty driving lessons which he is still enjoying at the time of writing this case study along with a bespoke CV with a difference to entice any future employer.
Arnold, we met Arnie whilst volunteering on the stroke ward, Arnie was married with 2 young children but he was in a bad way, he was in a side room at the hospital but we persuaded him to go on the main ward and compete with other patients by encouraging him to be determined to get better for his children and he did, we started off with small goals and gave him specific tasks to complete like playing dominos. Arnold’s wife came to StrokeInformation explaining that she was in bits and couldn’t see a way out. It was clear that Arnie wouldn’t be going back work anytime soon and she did not know what they were going to do for money, Christmas was fast approaching, and the bills needed paying including the mortgage for the family home. We intervened and secured a letter of authority and wrote to their mortgage provider, explaining the situation they were in that only someone who had been in a similar situation would be able to completely understand, the mortgage provider agreed with Arnie’s wife to grant them a 6 month payment holiday, leaving them with one less thing to be concerned about.