3 Years Today !!! 10/9/2015
WOW ! What a week as always its been an emotional rollercoaster – First this week was Monday, 3 years to the very day that my Stroke struck but a different awakening this time round as Poppie wasn’t her normal self and we had to take her to the vets and make a terrible decision but at least she is at peace now. RIP Pop, gone but never ever forgotten, we all miss you, make sure you look after Bella, Harry, Emmy & Buttons too x
Wednesday I had the horrible task of telling our 18year old daughter about Pop as she returned from holiday break with her chap, Wednesday night a call from the vets to say that Pop was back with us and we could collect her to be with her family, so we did and we had a little emotional service in the back garden, as I was trying to bury her with all my force using one arm to dig her grave, I knocked Emma’s collar and now Pop is right beside Em, H, and Buttons. Today is the date of my Stroke 3 years ago and I am so lucky to have such a supportive network of family and friends including my Bro John Webster Lee and 3 years on, I can focus on helping others impacted by Stroke. You see for us its not our jobs, its our lives !!! Thanks all x