July 2023
July 2023, Personally another year older, I really cannot believe that as a Charity we are helping more and more people and we reaching wider parts of the globe, Ive been recording a Radio Show in the States with the lovely, charming Molly Buccola and hearing about her Dad’s love for blue gas!! Thats folk music to you and me. Watch out for it real soon as I will post a link on how you can listen.
As well as winning MOST COMPASSIONATE STROKE PEER SUPPORT for 2023, we have also managed
Stroke Advisory CEO of the Year 2023. What it means I do not know but all I can say is #WeCareBecauseWeveBeenThere.
What we do works, simple as that.
However, I also wish to highlight a couple of cases that we have been helping with as the stroke survivor has been battling with officials regarding benefit payments. in both cases the Stroke survivors have been paid too much according to their records and their records also confirm that it was they mistake, not the individuals and that quite simply cant happen. the 2 survivors are struggling to make ends meet, yet despite their for want of a better word “Cock Up” they are now demanding their overpayment back. We will happily take any case on under similar circumstances, are you being treated unfairly because of your Stroke? We would love to hear from you if you are.
Also want to shout out to our new friends Gary, Paul & Austin and Gary and Amanda.
Just got back from delivering an awareness session in Bowden, near Lymm in Cheshire. The ladies of this women in fellowship group were a fantastic audience and it was a real pleasure to let them hear my story and my journey to date and why I started the charity, to help others impacted by Stroke. I even managed to inspire a few of them I hope, so. massive thanks to Margaret, Susan, Joan ad the other ladies in the group, they were truly delightful and hopefully they are now a little more educated about Strokes and the impact they can have on a family. Truly sorry about my Dad Jokes. If you have a group that would value a little knowledge about Strokes, please get in touch now and we will try and get something in the diary. email nick@strokeinformation.co.uk Thanks for having me ladies and I hope you enjoy the book.