May 2014
May is here, its the launch of Stroke Month today and I am very pleased to be helping out at the local Stroke Ward, then off to meet some friends and reminisce a little, then on to Manchester Town Hall for the launch of Stroke Science Art.
Further details to follow, but don’t forget you can email me for tickets or follow on twitter @69Clarkey or @WallaseyAthLFC for the Karaoke on the 9th May at Edgeley Park (The Bungalow club next door) which we hope to raise funds for the Stroke ward at Stepping Hill or the football on the 10th May at SCFC in aid of MND and Stroke so come on guys and girls, lets be having you.
Great night last night, had a blast at Granada News, thanks to Lucy, Mozzer, Kerry, Ann and the team down there, I will put a link up later, gutted that they didn’t include the mention of Edith on E1 as giving stroke patients Hope really is vitally important to all involved with STROKE and we have to take “Little Steps” for “Fighting Strokes” see what I did there !! – Kate Allatt & Simon & Becki. I met a few more survivors who I am in that mysterious cult with, Paul V, Sarah B, Andy Mccann, great to meet you, really great to meet you and you all are an inspiration to me.
Granada News video interview with me:
Thank you for the continued support, it means the world of difference.
Wowzers the premier league, yes THE ENGLISH PREMIER LEAGUE are supporting WACA, Wallesey Athletic Charity Aid !!! in aid of MND and STROKE
Well Im just back from staying at Manchester Marriott, the old four seasons near the airport, what a way to surprise my wife nearly 20 years on from the original wedding night, we had a few drinks and laughs and then an evening meal at San Carlo’s with “The Cheshire Set” – it was great just to sit and people watch especially after such a busy and testing week, but as always it will make me stronger.