May 2017
Massive thanks to our friend, Damon Carroll who managed to walk through the early hours of Saturday 22nd April 2017 with his bucket in tow and his regular updates on Facebook, twitter and linkedin trekked all the way from Edgeley Park, SK3 to Slackbottom Lane BD6 (No mention of Sheep there), yes all 39 miles of it and raised a total of £940.00 for StrokeInformation, via JustGiving, cash donations on the trek and cash on the final home game of the season where he was a deserving guest of Steve Bellis at Stockport County in the corporate hospitality for the 1-1 draw against Gloucester City with over 5600 people in attendance. BRILLIANT STUFF DAMO, thank you so so so much. The funds raised will help us get our registered trademarked mascot “SteadyEddie” have a bespoke costume so that we can attend events to create the awareness in the community.
Also last month we have seen the possibility of fuel cards for StrokeInformation, whereby they work with all major fuel distributors, the card is free to the user as in they do not pay anything other than for the fuel they use and its the fuel company themselves who donate to our charity. We met with Stockport CCG who were very impressed with the work that Ant, Sue and I are doing to reach out for others impacted by Stroke and they have advised that we should be welcomed on the wards of local hospitals to let others impacted by Stroke that there is help, support and information is available and slowly the message is getting through as in April alone we have been contacted and helped more people not only in our own region but also nationally.
The money raised by Damon means that “Steady Eddie” will soon be available at an event near you. Please get in touch now.
StrokeInformation Solidarity Bracelet with your own #SteadyEddie £2 + P&P
Sadly I have to share with you, the passing of former survivor and true true inspiration to us all CHRISTINE WADDELL. Although I never met Christine personally, if KATE ALLATT held you in such high esteem then that will do for me, Christine had her Stroke some 20 years ago and was locked in but through true determination she battled on and met fellow survivor Kate Allatt and I know that you were friends with Cogs, my brother from another mother Pete Coughlan and again they held you in such high high esteem, well sleep tight sleep well and rock the heavens above. God Bless x & Kate remember when she said “Kate, I can’t believe it, but ive just moved my thumb!!!!! xxx ” Kate, Christine is why we have to keep the StrokeInformation alive and carry on Fighting Strokes. X