October 2018
Welcome to October 2018, I hope this post finds you well;
Tuesday 16th October, I am truly thrilled to be able to share with you a new venture with the giant service provider Mitie.
StrokeInformation are now able to provide a limited number of tablets which will be preloaded with our newsletter and Chabble to help those impacted by Stroke able to communicate with their loved ones and friends whilst also keeping up to date with the very latest on what StrokeInformation are doing for others hence the title of this project “HELP US HELP OTHERS” to apply simply email contactus@strokeinformation.co.uk and we can review your application, remembering #WeCareBecauseWeveBeenThere.
Other news, StrokeInformation had a meeting with Stepping Hill Stroke CGM on Friday where I was asked to present on our service offering and whilst the presentation was received well, the feeling was whilst the service is fantastic, the general consensus was that from an “In-patient” offering it was deemed to be inappropriate or too early as it was felt that there is enough for the patient and families to contend with from the outset. Whilst I am inclined to agree that the focus has to be on the patient and that is paramount, I do know that from experience that one of the best things you can do as a patient or a family member, is to speak to someone who has actually been there.
Whilst I am not in a position to argue with the professional medical staff, I want to highlight that any StrokeInformation literature was not available and it should be so that the stroke patient or family member knows that we exist and that in time, when they are ready to do so, they can attend our free drop in to talk to others that have been impacted by Stroke. Our new leaflets are going to press and hopefully will concentrate on what we can do for them and how we can help. If we use other conditions as an example, CANCER, there are several registered charities that are out there for help, so why not for Stroke? Surely it is a matter of freedom of choice??