Stroke Information, help and recovery.

Registered Charity Number 1166424


Tel: 0330 055 2197

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January 2014

2014  Already and an Old pal sent me this  – Yes a Truly Inspiring Gent (Boon Army!)


2013 Summary

Well we are at the final day of 2013 and what a year its been, in terms of my recovery I guess slow and steady sums it up completely

I mean, look how far I’ve come along in 12 months, this time lat year I wasn’t walking unaided, let alone driving.  I think the most important lesson that I can share with everyone is to set yourself small goals,… Continue reading

December 2013


Just want to wish you all a very very Merry Christmas for 2013








16th December and my first Stockport Stroke Survivors Christmas meal organised by the Legends Ray, Paul, Paula & Darrell – it was a great day, thoroughly enjoyable especially when the ground swallowed me up for mentioning Christine’s bag!!  I wonder how old she is Ray? / John?

Great day… Continue reading

November 2013

November  already, got quite a bit to report here.   I have been attending a poetry 

group with the very inspirational Mike Garry with other stroke patients and our homework

was to write a sonnet.   Check out Mike’s work via his many books or watch this video


The day was special as I had arrived to the news that a dear dear pal had been rushed… Continue reading

UK online and telephone support.
UK online and telephone support.

Stroke Information supplies online and telephone support to anyone around the UK looking for advice and motivation from people with experience.

We encourage stroke survivors and their families to contact usand share your stories and experiences.

We also have supporters nationwide who we can call on if necessary.


If you'd like to know
how to donate.

Please Contact Me