May 2014
May is here, its the launch of Stroke Month today and I am very pleased to be helping out at the local Stroke Ward, then off to meet some friends and reminisce a little, then on to Manchester Town Hall for the launch of Stroke Science Art.
Further details to follow, but don’t forget you can email me for tickets or follow on twitter @69Clarkey or @WallaseyAthLFC for the Karaoke… Continue reading
April 2014
Not long to go now until May, Stroke month, Ive just been volunteering at the local hospital on the Stroke ward, I think its really important for Stroke patients and their families to show them that there is hope, yeah life throws us some obstacles but we can get over them with love, care & support, I’m still getting over my stroke but I know that I wouldn’t have… Continue reading
March 2014
March, wow busy Month, firstly congratulations and good luck to you Mills, she is only representing England (Ladies) at La Manga. There will be a footballer who makes the big time in the family!! Its in the Gene’s. I think she has my left foot !!
13th March had a great day at the Stroke Volunteers Workshop in Salford, yes we can also now announce the 10th… Continue reading
February 2014
its only bloody Clarke Carlise !!!!!
February means a certain someone turns 17 this month!!! Oh my where has that
time gone? Driving Lessons on the Horizon i guess?
Its also 56 years since the Munich Air Disaster. Here is my special adaptation of
the flowers of Manchester poem.
Broken Brain
Broken Dreams
Broken Heart
Broken like that young team
No… Continue reading