2013 Summary
Well we are at the final day of 2013 and what a year its been, in terms of my recovery I guess slow and steady sums it up completely
I mean, look how far I’ve come along in 12 months, this time lat year I wasn’t walking unaided, let alone driving. I think the most important lesson that I can share with everyone is to set yourself small goals, no, I don’t mean little nets for little people, I mean Goals that you can achieve if you are willing to try. This last 12 months have been tough not only for me but even more so for my amazing family, who without their support and attention, I would be nowhere near the stage of recovery that I am at now. So that leads me on to start to thank the people that have helped me along the way so far. I will aim to keep my recovery going and going strong. Thanks to you all.
I would like to start by giving praise to Dr D and his fellow consultants at the Alex, all the support staff too, Steph his secretary, Dr Leggate, Penny his secretary and all of the staff at the Alex too, without you there would be no success stories. Same goes to all the NHS staff too, we don’t appreciate what these people have to put up with as part of their daily routine, thank you. Then there are the other medical professional’s too Jane, Fiona & other members of the STAR team. Other Stroke patients Ive met along the way in the last 12 months, not to mention any names but thanks to Paul, John Lee, Paula (Big Bird), Ray, Darrell, Hannah, Becky, Lelia & other members of the moving on group, The Stroke Association North West, we all share something special and each & everyone of us has a story to tell. Cheers to Mike Garry who let me know that Gorton Girls know all the words to songs by Chaka Khan. Specail thanks to JB for his help with setting this site up to hopefully allow other patients to have a voice. A quick mention to my Twitter followers and new friends on there, A big thanks to Kate at Fighting Strokes for inspiring me to hopefully give something back & show others that with the right mindset anything is achievable.
Finally, a massive thanks to my family all of them but especially Mum, Dad, Chris, Roy, Debbie & Martin, Nicola, Jamie, Ellie, Grace, Meg, Abbie & of course my lovely wife who’ve all help me get to where I am today. Yes its true we have cried along the way but we have also LAUGHED a lot and I aim to get better, not only from a physical, mental point of view, but I aim to be a better person at everything I do.
My Goals for 2014, to get better, to get stronger, to raise awareness of Stroke, to work again at my pace and who knows maybe hopefully to kick a ball again. Thank You
There is Life After Stroke