2020 1st January twenty twenty
2020 January 1st. Happy New Year to you, yes its January 2020, a brand new decade and a brand new start for anyone who wants to take it as that. I am very happy to be able to start this decade, this new chapter with you especially as events 7 years ago could have been so so different.
I think that now is a good a time as any to reflect on what has occurred in your life, especially the last year and of course the last 10 years too but it is also a time to remember those who are no longer with us in body and are now watching over us from above. It would be wrong of me to single anyone out because they know who they are, thank you for being part of my life, for being part of StrokeInformation’s journey and long may it continue as we embark on the next phase.
All I can add at this stage is be healthy, be lucky, be thankful and be nice and you wont go far wrong.