2020 – April
Well hello April, under normal circumstances, I would use the first of this month to practice my tricks in pranking someone but we are certainly not in “Normal” surroundings, however despite COV-ID19 we must focus on the important things in life and in a way go backwards. What I mean there is, we as Stroke survivors should not be unused to “Social Isolation” I mean lets face it, we are probably masters at it, please recall when your stroke had jut happened, people, friends even family distanced themselves from you and you thought at points that you were alone and going through the recovery process with no one else to turn to no one else who understood!? Right? One of the fundamental reasons that Stroke Information was born, we did not want people to go through things like that alone. Recently we noticed the CEO of another stroke charity post to social media that they would like the general public to give them TIME, A VOICE and wait for it…Money……. Now I know that these are unprecedented times but come on…..MONEY?? As a CEO of this charity, as a stroke survivor, Im reassuring you that money is not what is required to get through this, yes it helps don’t get me wrong but as someone who leads the organisation from the top down and has people around them, how on earth did this get passed the PR people or media team!? This person has a newly polished queens honour too……sorry but (again just in my opinion, this is the time to pull together and help one another. That is why I am so so proud to confirm that StrokeInformation is taking part in Kate Allatt’s SSD which is taking place on 7th April 2020 and hopefully will be remembered as a new initiative celebrating each and every stroke survivor in the world. The message is simple, we should celebrate the fact that we have survived a near death experience and we are coming out of the other side #StillMe so please join in where you can. Stay Safe, Keep Well, God Bless.