2020 – May
Its fair to say that things are a little different right now, but as someone who has recovered from a Stroke, isolation shouldn’t be anything thats new to us. We will get through this COVID-19 pandemic and we will be stronger as a result how we adapt and cope.
With the outbreak of COVID-19 (Coronavirus) many of us are socially distancing ourselves from others in line with the Government advice and some of you maybe facing prolonged periods of self isolation, time spent away from our family and friends and extra support is NOT easy, the uncertainty of not knowing when things will return to normal (whatever is normal) makes it a stressful time for us all.
Coping strategies is another area where we can help others, not only those impacted by Stroke but whatever the issue is, we adapt. The one thing to try and remember is that you are not alone and Stroke Information is here for you, period #WeCareBecauseWeveBeenThere
Currently there is a campaign which you maybe aware of called the 2.6 Challenge, based upon the length of the marathon 26 Miles for those of you that dont know, but it wouldn’t be fair to expect people to run a marathon in the current climate so the people at Just Giving came up with the 2.6 Challenge, you know to run for 2,6 miles, keep it up for 26 times, tell as many dad jokes in 2.6 minutes or for the really adventurous of you 26 minutes and its been amazing seeing you all take part in your own little challenge for your cause, we salute you……but please please just consider this, as a stroke survivor, our challenge is every moment of every single day so if you would like to support the fact that we are not just it to make a great campaign but WE DO make a Difference, every single today and some would say that our biggest challenge is to get the powers that be, the CCG’s, The Funding bodies, the local authorities and even the well known and well supported Stroke organisations to respect that we are different, we are relatively small but we are a MIGHTY TEAM and we will continue to make a difference.
Check out our latest NEWSLETTER here…..
JustGiving – https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/stroke-information
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To everyone impacted by Stroke out there, WE ARE HERE FOR YOU.